Thursday, June 7, 2007

East or West?

I am not a native New Yorker, just New York born.

As I gain my bearings in New York, I am frequently in need of directions. The first time my beau told me "head East on Fifth Avenue," I had no idea what he meant. And he had no idea how I could have no idea. "How do you give directions in Manila?" he asked, and I said "We say go down three corners then turn right at the corner where there's a 7-11!"

Therein lies a fundamental lesson I have yet to learn. Where is East. I look up and locate the sun, to place myself - the sun's movement is the same anywhere on earth after all. Google maps help me get my bearings, and the sun helps me mark my position on the map and I make my way to wherever it is I am going. I still go East when I am meant to head West, and I still allocate twenty minutes leeway for losing my way. But I am getting better at it, not losing my cool and enjoying the experience.

So as I chase the sun to find my East, or West as the case may be I get to know the streets and subways, nooks and crannies of New York and discover my way around this magical city. Who knows what I might uncover today, a compass?


Unknown said...

Funny coincidence, i posted something about directions too, about the same time as this. hee hee

An Accidental American said...

great minds think left and right?