Thursday, July 5, 2007

My First American Independence Day

Yesterday was the fourth of July, and since it's the first year that I am living in the US it's truly my first Independent Independence day. As I caught the fireworks on the drive home that evening, I found myself quite emotional.

I suppose independence means different things to different people, but this independence day was particularly meaningful for me. Until recently, I lived a rather 'attached' life. I worked for the same company for fourteen years, am very close and connected to my family, and even though I am open to new friends, I keep a close knit group of friends in my core circle. Being in America sometimes makes me feel a bit disconnected from my nearest and dearest, and the things that I had built a stable, secure life around. But I had to leave all that because somehow the comfort zone started feeling static, was time for something different.

As I sat in Navé's car last night, fireworks overhead and tears down my cheeks I had the wonderful feeling that this Indie life is exactly what I need to be doing right now. It is quite unfamiliar and sometimes feels overwhelming, but it is also expansive and empowering to be tracking my destiny and seizing the day this way.

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