Monday, February 28, 2011

Discovering My American Family

Through my migrations, or what my partner refers to as peregrinations, one constant has been my family. My sister has lived in Spain, my brother has lived in London and Spain but for the most part family has lived in The Philippines. Just a month ago, I returned to the US from a 2-month vacation in the warm embrace of my family in the Philippines. We are now back in the States, and we are facing a big bump in the road.

Like any crisis, we imagine that it won't be easy but we will be fine. We are finding out as much as we can about the situation and working on a plan of action (I'm a planner, it's what I do). And in my effort to be as prepared as I can for what's up ahead of us, there is one thing I was absolutely not prepared for: discovering my American family.

There is the family of origin, whom I love dearly. Then there is the family of friends I have made through my younger years. And now, I have my American family. A stellar cast of poets, film makers, friends, writers, artists, top grade people. And as overwhelming this can all seem, in these very early days there is already such an outpouring of love and goodwill. What a beautiful surprise, what a profound blessing. There are no words to express what this all means, and how deeply grateful I already am. I know we are in early days. Still, it really means a lot to have this beautiful American family of friends.

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