
Poetic Social Commentary

 On Taking A Lover

This is how you take a lover.
Build a church, write songs, mount a horse and defy territories
Find a country with lush greenery, plum fruit and abundant seas
Take the brown, black and yellow there, mix in your white to make marble babies, unbreakable

Build a church, write songs, mount a horse and defy territories
Ring bells, take the pulpit, introduce commerce, have them worship you
Take the black, brown and yellow there, mix in your white to make marble babies, unbreakable
Seduce them with your language, dizzy them into forgetting their own

Ring bells, take the pulpit, introduce commerce, have them worship you
Make promises of eternity, take their crops and bless them
Seduce them with your language, dizzy them into forgetting their own
Teach your babies to write only your letters, bury the rest into extinction

Make promises of eternity, take their crops and bless them
Keep your bed warm and comfortable, and everyone well fed
Teach your babies to write only your letters, bury the rest into extinction
Pick the offspring whose ear you own and call him President

Keep your bed warm and comfortable, and everyone well fed
Find a country with lush greenery, plum fruit and abundant seas
Pick the offspring whose ear you own and call him President
This is how you take a lover.

Hey, Jo You So Fine I Love You Long Time

When the white man first came, he brought
The Book, a cross, goblets of wine, white bread,
silk robes and the promise of a Heaven.

When he left, he took our sun and mountain,
our worship, our medicine, our brown magic.
He lined his trail with mosaic bastards,

the aberration of a people who once sanctified
women and battled with spears,
yo-yos, blow guns, western wind.

The white man came again, this time in
camouflage and boogie-woogie. He brought
Santa Claus, democracy, and hand grenades.

He took our fight and aimed outwards to the
yellow neighbor and his Kamikaze, took our
women for servants, sex slaves, nurse maids.

When he left he took our words and letters,
our lessons, our drum beat, our open fist.
He lined his trail with shrapnel and gunpowder,

flattened our cities, tarnished our dreams.
When is the white man coming back?
I look around and see his ghost everywhere,

he is never there. Why won't the white man
love my country anymore? Has he grown
tired of our unflinching love?

The bountiful lands he pillaged for rice, pineapple,
bananas, tabako, mangoes, coconuts are barren now.
They long for the white man's science again,

My tears have always come with ease, this is
something you learn in my country. I remember
when the white man told me tears are prayer,

blessings from the white god with the high nose,
The cheek the white man never touched
still burns from his un-loving.

The Pied Piper Wears Armani

This is how you trap a mouse
Find the brightest star and have him master the flute
Chart a course for your empire, speak eloquently, make allusions to heart and purpose
Launch missions only the most ambitious will sign up for, play hard to get

Find the brightest star and have him master the flute
Take your concert on the road, cast spells with your songs, get the rising stars hooked on your music
Launch missions only the most ambitious will sign up for, play hard to get
Anchor their ego firmly in cosmetic trappings and titles, celebrate their successes with platinum plastic

Take your concert on the road, cast spells with your songs, get the rising stars hooked on your music
Captivate their dreams with your melodies, play harmonies that smooth their edges to correctness
Anchor their ego firmly in cosmetic trappings and titles, celebrate their successes with platinum plastic
Guilt them into keeping distance from family, friends and fellowship

Captivate their dreams with your melodies, play harmonies that smooth their edges to correctness
Prey on the most eager one and herald him protégé, seat him in the corner where the sun shines
Guilt them into keeping distance from family, friends and fellowship
Lay down ladders under their feet, taunt them with glimpses of the promised land but never give them the key

Prey on the most eager one and herald him protégé, seat him in the corner where the sun shines
Chart a course for your empire, speak eloquently, make allusions to heart and purpose
Lay down ladders under their feet, taunt them with glimpses of the promised land but never give them the key
This is how you trap a mouse